Circle of Lights Recap: Shine, Indy

Circle of Lights @ Monument Circle in Indianapolis on November 28th, 2014 — “It’s a tradition unlike any other…Yet as bright as the 4000+ lights shine, there are 5 that shine even brighter.”

Concert Review: More Than Just A Dream

Fitz And The Tantrums @ The Old National Centre Egyptian Room — Joined by Big Data in the Circle City, Fitz and the Tantrums tore up the stage with high energy and epic beats. Although Big Data took the stage at 8:30pm, the main act didn’t grace us until almost 10pm, making the audience restless and question the abandonment of their weekly sleep cycle. Completely worth it, as it turns out…

Concert Review: Straight To Hell

The Pretty Reckless @ Deluxe at Old National Centre in Indianapolis on October 25th, 2014 — “”Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.” Rock n’ roll, excess, the “I don’t give a f@#k attitude.” Guess what, Indianapolis? Tonight, we’re going straight to hell.

WARMfest Day 3: Mixed Race Indiana Music

WARMfest @ Broad Ripple Park in Indianapolis on August 31st, 2014 — “I’ve always said that this scene can stack up again any band out there on the national level, and today proved it.”

Concert Review: Living in the Present (and Future and Past)

We Came As Romans @ Deluxe at Old National Centre in Indianapolis on October 4th, 2014 — “”All of time and space. Everything that ever happened or ever will. Where do you want to start?”…How about the Deluxe room in downtown Indianapolis, where we can see the present, future, and past?”

Concert Review: You Say You Want A Hope Revolution

Hawthorne Heights @ Emerson Theater in Indianapolis on September 6th, 2014 — “Times change, people change, and despite all of this, nostalgia-driven concerts will always have a place.”

Concert Review: The Pursuit of Happiness

Taking Back Sunday @ Egyptian Room at Old National Centre in Indianapolis on September 14th, 2014 — “”There are many definitions (of happiness), and tonight, I’m going to attempt to find out what it really is.”

WARMfest Day 2: Totally Cool

WARMfest @ Broad Ripple Park in Indianapolis on August 30th, 2014 — “Promoting environmental responsibility, independent businesses, sustainable goods and services, and all through the magic of art and music….And in the end, what’s cooler than that?”

Concert Review: Restless In Indianapolis

Honor By August, The Gallery, Mikey Wax @ Rathskeller Biergarten in Indianapolis on August 14th, 2014 — “Sometimes the best therapy is a cold beer, some live music, and an absolutely perfect evening out in the biergarten.”