Concert Review: Do You Feel Like Frampton Does?

Peter Frampton & Robert Cray @ The Lawn at White River State Park in Indianapolis — Frampton played favorites, such as “Baby, I Love Your Way” and “(I’ll Give You) Money, the latter of which was highlighted by a brilliant guitar solo by his young-gun second guitar player Adam Lester. Peter Frampton got all the credit until this moment we saw what his second-in-command was packing.

Video: Ash – Evil Eye LIVE! [HD]

For over two decades, Irish alternative rock band Ash has been paving the way showing generations of alt rockers the true way of the warrior. Having sold nearly 10 million albums world-wide and playing shows almost nightly makes them one of the hardest working bands in rock.

Video: Rodrigo y Gabriela feat. C.U.B.A. – 11:11 [HD]

In my relatively short career, nothing has come as close to making me cry as this video. Totally by accident, I stumbled across this music video where the song 11:11 by Rodrigo y Gabriela is put to world-renowned photo-realistic artist Barry jazz Finnegan painting a photo I took. My picture …

Concert Review: FloMac Brings It Back

Florence & The Machine @ The Lawn at White River State Park in Indianapolis — As the time approached for Florence and her machine to make their entrance, the golden hour light of sunset fell perfectly behind the stage providing a bold, heavenly glow to the band as they took their places. The sweet beginning notes of “Only If For A Night” fell on the crowd’s ears as Florence came into view. The static excitement erupted from the crowd and set the ball rolling for what would indeed be a night to remember…